2nd Class Hero
A second class hero Is how I feel For you cannot see What I have to heal No Kevlar, or bandage Nor wheelchair too In fact I look normal I...

Its days like this When I’m so blue That I feel sorry For the things I do You’re much to kind To be with me You don’t deserve My Insanity...

Dull outside, inside too Just muffled sounds, breaking through I’m sitting here, upon my chair Nothing to see, except my stare A misty...

Lie We went to war And don't know why Our then prime minister Told a lie So many dead No reason why Our then Prime Minister Told a...

The waters cold And murky too Waves are crashing I can’t see you I’ve fought so hard To stay up here But now I’m tired Of all this fear...

My House
You pass my door Assume I’m out But why not stop And look about For on the outside The house looks strong Yet on the inside Something’s...

I have a little spider That chose to live with me She’s often in the bathroom That’s where she hunts her tea My lovely little spider I’ve...

I stand in Silence I stand in Fear I cannot see I cannot hear I’m not in Battle I’m not at War I’m simply stood On a shopping floor The...

Willow Tree
Willow, Willow, Willow Tree We’re very similar You and me While others climb up to the sky We stay quite low And wonder why We twist, we...

Its time for bed But not for me As I’ve a tale To share with thee I try my hardest Not to sleep The last thing I’d do Is count sheep For...