2nd Class Hero

A second class hero
Is how I feel
For you cannot see
What I have to heal
No Kevlar, or bandage
Nor wheelchair too
In fact I look normal
I look just like you
You won't come along
You won't talk to me
It’s physical wounds
That you only see
You think I'm a fake
You don't want me there
My problems not worthy
It won't raise a stare
I don't blame the injured
For they are hurt too
I just blame you people
And your narrow view
It's really quite painful
To stay at the back
As I'm not a magnet
I just don't attract
So I will stay quiet
Avoid any glare
I'd like you to find me
And not leave me there
So next time with heroes
You find you have time
Look for the second class
It isn't a crime